Moments that sparkle in Moorland Class


Our Year 2 children are amazing learners and super role models - they really know how to ‘sparkle’!


Florence Nightingale came to visit!

When we were learning about famous nurses from the past, Moorland Class had a visit from a very famous nurse. She told us all about how she had helped to improve hygiene in her hospitals and enlisted some help from the nurses and porters of Central Street!


To support our learning about the Great Fire of London, firefighters from the West Yorkshire Fire Brigade came to visit Moorland Class. The firefighters spoke to the children about the many different roles they have and let the children have first hand experience of some of the equipment they use to save lives. 

'Should We Move to Mars?'

As part of British Science Week, we tried to find answers to the question 'Should We Move to Mars?' The children built mars Rovers and then tested soil samples to search for signs of life.


Stubbings Early Years (3-5-year-old)


Riverside Year 3